libigl: Prototyping Geometry Processing Research in C++ [Short Course]

  • Full Conference Pass
  • Full Conference 1-Day Pass

Date/Time: 29 November 2017, 02:15pm - 04:00pm
Venue: Nile 3
Location: Bangkok Int'l Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC)

Presentation Language: English

Level: Beginner

Prerequisites: Attendees should have a firm understanding of undergraduate linear algebra and calculus. They should be proficient in computer programming (any language) and should feel comfortable programming C++. Previous experience with Computer Graphics, Geometry Processing, and Partial Differential Equations is recommended, but not required.

Intended Audience: This course is intended for students and researchers interested in prototyping cutting-edge geometry processing algorithms. Whether just starting graduate school, supervising an academic lab, or building tools or industry, this course will demonstrate how libigl can simplify programming geometry processing pipelines. Attendees will leave prepared to do so.

Organizer: Alec Jacobson is an Assistant Professor and Canada Research Chair at University of Toronto. Before that he was a post-doctoral researcher at Columbia University and received a PhD in Computer Science from ETH Zurich (ETH Medal & Eurographics Best PhD Award). Leveraging ideas from differential geometry and finite-element analysis, his work in geometry processing improves exposure of geometric quantities, while his novel user interfaces reduce human effort and increase exploration. He has published several papers in the proceedings of SIGGRAPH. He leads development of libigl (SGP Software Award). In 2017, he received the Eurographics Young Researcher Award.

Alec Jacobson, University of Toronto
Daniele Panozzo, New York University

Summary: Modern geometry processsing algorithms depend on an ever-growing toolbox of fundamental sub-routines and data structures. Libigl is a C++ library of geometry processing algorithms designed for and by researchers. In this course, we will introduce libigl's functional, minimal overhead API via live, hands-on coding examples.