Full Conference Pass
Full Conference 1-Day Pass
Basic Conference Pass
Experience Pass
Exhibitor Pass
The SIGGRAPH Asia Art Gallery program will be inviting artists from around the world to showcase their innovative and leading-edge digital contributions on Mind-Body-Machine interaction. With advanced technology, machines today are capable of learning, generating thought- like patterns, supporting physical bodies, problem solving, and discovering new solutions, all while functioning either independently or collectively as part of a larger system. What does it mean when we let our minds wander in a virtual reality world? How do we render our body movements and gestures to allow machines to learn our behaviors? What happens when we trust algorithms to make decisions about what we see, hear, and feel? How can we best utilize the relationship between human and machine “minds and bodies” to enhance human capabilities?
The Art Gallery, associated artist talks, and further discussions are expected to stimulate a broader conversation among participants of the SIGGRAPH Asia 2017 conference.
The exhibition will highlight innovative Digital Art projects prioritizing the expression of an alternative aesthetic, while employing the rich variety of techniques available to designers and artists who use computer mediation as a part of their creative palette. Focusing on projects using hybrid approaches between physical and digital, between natural and artificial, and between real and synthetic, the exhibition will include the variety of innovative work by artists who merge computation with physical object, while pushing the boundaries of traditional artistic disciplines.
Mediated Aesthetics will present a combination of new media technologies, including algorithms, sensors, networking, augmented reality, biotechnology, networking and other technologies. The key is the aesthetic investigation.
Click here for an overview of the Art Gallery Exhibits.
Click here for an overview of the Art Talks.
Art Gallery Chair
Nhung Walsh
Indochina Arts Partnership
Art Gallery Co-Chair
Kriengkrai Supornsahusrungsi
Imagimax Studio
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Art Gallery Presentations
Mediated Aesthetics, come experience and interact with art works and artistic installations that utilize digital technology including visual and sound works, augmented-reality installations, as well as performances.
Click here for more information on the SIGGRAPH Asia 2017 Art Gallery Audio Guides.
Scan the QR code on each contributor’s sign and listen to the description of the work in your language onsite!
Art Gallery Talks
Art Gallery Talks investigate the roles of artists and the methods of art-making in an increasingly global, networked, and technologically mediated world. Presenters present their Art Works in 10-minute sessions. The talks highlight theoretical issues concerning contemporary art in our global society.