28 - 29 November 2017, 10:00am - 06:00pm
30 November 2017, 10:00am - 04:00pm
Venue: BHIRAJ Hall 3 - Experience Hall (Emerging Technologies Exhibits)
Location: Bangkok Int'l Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC)
Summary: A redirected walking (RDW) techniques enable users to walk around infinite virtual environments (VEs) in a finite physical space. In previous studies on RDW, many researchers have discussed manipulations in the yaw direction, but few have tackled with redirection in pitch and roll directions. We propose a novel VR system, which realizes pitch and roll redirections and allows users to experience walking on the 3D model of Mobius Strip in the VE.
Tatsuki Yamamoto, The University of Tokyo
Jumpei Shimatani, The University of Tokyo
Isamu Ohashi, The University of Tokyo
Keigo Matsumoto, The University of Tokyo
Takuji Narumi, The University of Tokyo
Tomohiro Tanikawa, The University of Tokyo
Michitaka Hirose, The University of Tokyo