Design and Fabrication

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Date/Time: 30 November 2017, 02:15pm - 04:00pm
Venue: Amber 2
Location: Bangkok Int'l Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC)
Session Chair: Arik Shamir, Efi Arazi School of Computer Science at the Interdisciplinary Center, Israel

Computational Design of Wind-up Toys

Summary: Computational methods to assist the design and fabrication of compact and lightweight wind-up mechanisms from user-provided toy shape and motion.

Author(s): Peng Song, University of Science and Technology of China
Xiaofei Wang, University of Science and Technology of China
Xiao Tang, University of Science and Technology of China
Chi-Wing Fu, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Hongfei Xu, University of Science and Technology of China
Ligang Liu, University of Science and Technology of China
Niloy J. Mitra, University College London

Speaker(s): Peng SONG, University of Science and Technology of China

Computational Design and Fabrication of Soft Pneumatic Objects with Desired Deformations

Summary: We present an end-to-end solution for design and fabrication of soft pneumatic objects with desired deformations. The design results can be fabricated with 3D printing and deformed by a controlled pneumatic system.

Author(s): Yizhong Zhang, Microsoft Research Asia
Like Ma, Tsinghua University, Microsoft Research Asia
Yang Liu, Microsoft Research Asia
Kun Zhou, State Key Lab of CAD&CG, Zhejiang University
Xin Tong, Microsoft Research Asia

Speaker(s): Yizhong Zhang, Microsoft Research Asia

MetaSilicone: Design and Fabrication of Composite Silicone with Desired Mechanical Properties

Summary: We present MetaSilicones, a method to design and fabricate composite silicone rubbers that exhibit desired mechanical properties. Our MetaSilicones have spherical inclusions of a liquid dopant material embedded in a silicone matrix. We combine extended finite elements (XFEM) and sensitivity analysis to compute inclusion distributions that lead to desired properties.

Author(s): Jonas Zehnder, The Walt Disney Company
Espen Knoop, The Walt Disney Company
Moritz Baecher, The Walt Disney Company
Bernhard Thomaszewski, The Walt Disney Company, University of Montreal

Speaker(s): Espen Knoop, Disney Research

Scattering-aware Texture Reproduction for 3D Printing

Summary: Color texture reproduction in 3D printing commonly ignores the heterogeneous volumetric light transport between surface points on the prints. This leads to significant blur of details and color bleeding. We show how to optimize for volumetric material assignments that retain colors and high-frequency details in 3D-printed surface textures.

Author(s): Oskar Elek, Charles University in Prague
Denis Sumin, Max Planck Institut Informatik
Ran Zhang, IST Austria
Tim Weyrich, University College London
Karol Myzskowski, Max Planck Institut Informatik
Bernd Bickel, IST Austria
Alexander Wilkie, Charles University in Prague
Jaroslav Krivanek, Charles University in Prague

Speaker(s): Oskar Elek, Charles University in Prague

3D Printing Wireless Connected Objects

Summary: We show for the first time how 3D print wireless sensors and input widgets that can communicate with smartphones and other Wi-Fi devices, without batteries or electronics. We present a novel toolkit for wireless connectivity that can be integrated with 3D digital models and fabricated using commodity 3D printers.

Author(s): Vikram Iyer, University of Washington
Justin Chan, University of Washington
Shyamnath Gollakota, University of Washington

Speaker(s): Vikram Iyer, University of Washington