Invited Speaker Session: Visual Analysis Tools for Facilitating Sparse Modeling

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Date/Time: 28 November 2017, 09:00am - 10:45am
Venue: Silk 4
Location: Bangkok Int'l Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC)

Visual Analysis Tools for Facilitating Sparse Modeling

Summary: Sparse modeling is a general principle for promoting high-dimensional data-driven science. I am head of a planned visualization research project in a designated governmental program in Japan. The primary goal of this research project is to construct a visualization platform for understanding the behavior of given high-dimensional measurement data in physical space by projecting it onto a judiciously designed information space. For this purpose, we transform relatively low-dimensional data obtained through sparse modeling to two-, three-, or four-dimensional space where we can visually explore the characteristics of the original high-dimensional data. The idea behind our project is to establish an interactive model called human-in-the-loop by incorporating visual feedback from the analysts into the analysis of high-dimensional data based on sparse modeling. In this talk, I will give an overview of the governmental program and introduce the latest research results from the research project, including spectral-based contractible parallel coordinate plots, bi-clustering multivariate data for correlated subspace mining, and TimeTubes for visualizing polarization variations in blazers in a personalized immersive display environment.

(In collaboration with Symposium On Visualization & Symposium on Education)

Author(s): Issei Fujishiro, Professor, Keio University, Japan
Issei Fujishiro received his Doctor of Science in information sciences from the University of Tokyo in 1988. Fujishiro started his career as a research associate at the University of Tokyo in 1985 and then worked as a faculty member for University of Tsukuba, Ochanomizu University, and Tohoku University, before joining Keio University in 2009, where he is currently Head Professor of the Center for Information and Computer Science, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Yokohama. He was elected as an honorable alumnus from Keio University in 2015. He remained on board as a visiting professor of computer science at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA, from 1994 to 1995. His current research interests include applied visualization design and lifecycle management and smart ambient media with multimodal information display. He has served on the editorial boards for several academic journals, including IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (1999-2003), Elsevier's Computers & Graphics (2003-2013) and Visual Informatics (2016 to date). He has served as a Steering Committee member for IEEE Scientific Visualization and IEEE PacificVis. He served as a program co-chair for Volume Graphics 2003/2005, IEEE PacificVis 2008, and ACM VRCAI 2014 and chaired many international conferences/symposia/workshops, including IEEE SMI 2006, Cyberworlds 2013, IEEE PacificVis 2014, ACM VRCAI 2015, TopoInVis 2017, CGI 2017, and IEEE PacificVAST 2018. Fujishiro is a former president of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, a board director for Japan Federation of Engineering Societies, and a member of Science Council of Japan.

Speaker(s): Issei Fujishiro, Professor, Keio University, Japan