Education Special Session 2: CAMPUS Asia KOREA-CHINA-JAPAN Student Open Collaboration Project: Animation Co-Work and VR Cubic Workshop

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Date/Time: 30 November 2017, 09:00am - 10:00am
Venue: Silk 3
Location: Bangkok Int'l Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC)

CAMPUS Asia KOREA-CHINA-JAPAN Student Open Collaboration Project: Animation Co-Work and VR Cubic Workshop

Summary: The Korea-China-Japan student co-work program stands out on the world's stage as an exceptional education project. The purpose of the co-work program is to develop practical skills and nourish creative talent through international academic collaborations and to establish an international animation education hub.

Author(s): Se-Hyung PARK, Korea National University of Arts
Jung-Min LEE, Korea National University of Arts
Jinny Hyejin CHOO, Korea National University of Arts
Mitsuko Okamoto, Tokyo University of the Arts
Xiuqing Jia, Communication University of China
Sang-Hyun Yoo, Arizona State University

Speaker(s): Se-Hyung Park (Korea National University of Arts) Jung-Min Lee (Korea National University of Arts) Jinny Hyejin Choo (Korea National University of Arts) Mitsuko Okamoto (Tokyo University of the Arts) Jia Xiuqing (the Communication University of China) Sang-Hyun Yoo (Arizona State University), Korea National University of Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts, the Communication University of China