ThermoReality: Thermally Enriched Head Mounted Displays for Virtual Reality
Booth no: et_0013

  • Full Conference Pass
  • Full Conference 1-Day Pass
  • Basic Conference Pass
  • Experience Pass
  • Exhibitor Pass

28 - 29 November 2017, 10:00am - 06:00pm
30 November 2017, 10:00am - 04:00pm
Venue: BHIRAJ Hall 3 - Experience Hall (Emerging Technologies Exhibits)
Location: Bangkok Int'l Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC)

Summary: We present "ThermoReality", a system that can provide co-located thermal haptic feedback with head mounted displays. In the ThermoReality, we integrate five thermal modules (consisting of peltier elements) on the facial interface of a commercially available head mounted display. Each individual module is able to provide active heating or cooling sensations through an independently controlled thermal controller. In this manner, ThermoReality is able to provide visual images synchronized with co-located thermal haptic feedback on the user's face. Using this system, we are able to create thermal haptic cues such as immersive cues where all the modules are activated, moving cues where the modules are activated temporally to suit the visual content, or any mixed cues that are suitable for the displayed content. In this demonstration, we recreate activities such as opening a cold fridge, cooking at a stove and standing in front of an oscillating fan, with various thermal cues to enhance the user's immersive feeling.

Roshan Peiris, Keio University Graduate School of Media Design
Zikun Chen, Keio University Graduate School of Media Design
Wei Peng, Keio University Graduate School of Media Design
Kouta Minamizawa, Keio University Graduate School of Media Design